
Every Time A Cruise Ship Sinks A Mermaid Gets New Martini Glasses (not finished yet)

Today in the North East it is rainy. Rain drops all over! Days like this are awesome because it makes me want to finish up some paintings. Take advantage of the gloom.

Every Time A Cruise Ships Sinks A Mermaid Get’s New Martini Glasses (unfinished) Acrylic on canvas
24″ x 36″

Every Time A Cruise Ship Sinks A Mermaid Gets New Martini Glasses (almost finished)

Meow Toy Hunt

I was asked to take part in a skull collaboration project for as awesome friend of mine that owns the notorious Sire Press Screen Printing. I was given complete creative freedom so I decided to draw instead of another pussy, a cat skull with a toy mouse skull in its mouth. Me-Ow!! It is originally in black & white for him with ink on paper but I decided to just mess around with it in Photoshop after I scanned it just because I had a few free minutes to spare. I am super excited to see what he comes up with for his project with screen printing illustrations of skulls other artists create for him, I am sure it is going to be radical! I hope I see some penis skulls happen in the mix!

Meow Toy Hunt - Ink on paper, scanned, photoshopped background. 2012

Scranton ZineFest 2012

After partaking in the Philly Zinefest & having an awesome time laughing, drinking a 40oz with fellow zinesters and smelling hippie city body odor, I’ve decided to partake in the Scranton Zinefest with the same folks because I fucking loved it & my friends are cool too! As my last zine was a bit time sensitive, a play-off of the great Occupy movement, “Occupy My Cubical,” I could not re-use the same zine again. I’ve never been the comic-strip kinda gal, but one framers kind of like me as much as I like them, it is how I roll,  saying enough with so little to say. Right now I am just playing around with ideas. Luckily I am around funny people most of the time so it should not be long until I’ve got something solid happening other than a healthy poop.

Rough sketch of recent zine idea:

SHARKASM: [ To be confused with SHARKGASM if you’re anything like me. ]

SHARKASM: New Zine Idea

More Stinkin’ Pet Portraits

Oh joy to the holidays and paintings of pets! Can never have enough paintings of pets. Actually, that is a lie. There needs to be a limit between pet portraits and pet photos on fridge magnets. I think I saw more pet photos in tree ornaments this year than I saw of  family! Though honestly, I must admit, a border collie with a ball in its mouth is so much cuter to look at than grandma sitting in a recliner reading the newest ‘Readers Digest’ still squinting even though the font size is already 30pts.

Alas, to add to the collection of cheesy pet portraits, meet Willow the amazingly nervous Italian Greyhound:

Willow the Greyhound : acrylic on wood

Hope you all are having a great holiday so far! Keeping it safe and drinking all of the wine you received as a filler gift! I know that is going to be my activity until New Years!


Hello! Snowman Illustration Series

Hello! Snowman Thru-Hiker

Illustrations were done with my brain Ink and Letraset Markers on bristol paper.

Hello! Snowmen in Love Park
Hello! Snowmen Happy Hour
Hello! Snowmen Out On The Lake

Oh Winter, how I love you when I’m not driving! View more Hello! Snowmen on my Flickr