
Every Time A Cruise Ship Sinks A Mermaid Gets New Martini Glasses (not finished yet)

Today in the North East it is rainy. Rain drops all over! Days like this are awesome because it makes me want to finish up some paintings. Take advantage of the gloom.

Every Time A Cruise Ships Sinks A Mermaid Get’s New Martini Glasses (unfinished) Acrylic on canvas
24″ x 36″

Every Time A Cruise Ship Sinks A Mermaid Gets New Martini Glasses (almost finished)

By krackassart

I'm a full-time Philadelphian. My mind is very bouncy and my hands always anxious so I create things constantly. Not for money but for the sake of creating. Art, Music, Dance, Fart Noises, Bad name it, I probably do it. I'm also a full-time graphic designer/ web designer. I've got a border collie named Benny whom I spoil. I am Brandi Krackass, fuck yeah I am!

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